Abolish ANTIFA
A lot of attention has been placed on the recent NSN protests, which raises the question; why the media silence on ANTIFA?
Written by Percy Spender, find more of his content on 𝕏 @PercySpender
The night before most Australians were set to spend their Australia Day enjoying drinks and food with their family and friends, and thousands of discontented leftists gearing up to march through the streets of our major cities, Victoria’s famous Captain Cook statue was toppled in the night by masked men with angle grinders, and a second statue of Queen Victoria covered in red paint. Beneath Captain Cook’s feet were graffitied the threatening words ‘The Colony Will Fall’.
The whole incident was brazenly filmed and posted to an anonymous instagram page associated with the radical left-wing organisation ‘ANTIFA’, short for ‘Anti-Fascists’.
This organisation is an American import, and is rapidly approaching their overseas counterpart in their appetite for vandalism, threats, doxing and criminality. US ANTIFA boasts among its ranks domestic terrorists such as Willem Van Spronsen who was shot dead by police attempting to shoot up a US border security detention facility along with countless rioters and looters. An organised network of lawyers, journalists, fundraisers and politicians aid or turn a blind eye to the dangerous group while relentlessly targeting anyone ideologically right-of-centre.
In Adelaide last year the local ANTIFA cell pushed for the censorship of an apolitical film festival, ‘The Sam Hyde film festival’, being hosted in a rented private room in a cinema. According to our sources in the city, Antifa applied significant pressure to the cinema company to cancel the event all-together. Even going as far as launching an advertiser and film production studio boycott campaign against the small business, pushing for Australia’s biggest film producers to withhold their films being shown at the cinema, crippling the businesses means to function.
In the days before Christmas 2023 a member of Thomas Sewell’s National Socialist Network, gym owner Tim Lutze, found his home targeted in a firebomb attack likely perpetrated by ANTIFA. Mr Lutze’s family car parked out the front of the home was torched using homemade molotov cocktails, destroying the vehicle. Another two homemade devices were found unexploded on Mr Lutze’s front yard, suggesting ANTIFA intended to firebomb a second car and possibly the home. The attack occurred at night while Mr Lutze’s pregnant wife and children were asleep inside the home.
According to Thomas Sewell, in his recap on X, Victorian police sent a measly two detectives to the scene and did not take any witness statements from the neighbours who assisted Mr Lutze unsuccessfully combat the flame. Overall, the police do not seem interested in investigating what can only be described as a politically motivated terror attack.
Now, while I and the National Observer hold various disagreements with the NSN, recent events demonstrate the stark double standards enforced by both police and government. Over the course of just this past week we have witnessed the police chase the NSN from one local government area to another in order to prevent them from peacefully protesting, at the same time NSW Premier Chris Minns and Prime Minister Albanese have put out statement after statement condemning the protestors and encouraging police to treat the group with greater aggression.
Curiously absent was any equivalent condemnation or persecution of ANTIFA for their vandalism, involvement in anti-Australian ‘change the date’ protests or political firebombing. Objectively, ANTIFA and NSN are at least equally radical, ANTIFA being comprised of devotees of genocidal communism and anti-state anarchists, yet their extensive network of organised radicals with a presence in most major cities across Australia face almost no interest from law enforcement, or condemnation from either the Labor or Liberal party.
Almost as bad is the total media silence regarding the attack. Much like police and the political class, mainstream media has remained similarly silent about ANTIFA terror, even when it came to the above mentioned firebombing. Comparing the firebombing of political YouTuber Jordan Shank’s house to this event reveals a yawning chasm in media attention that can only be explained by the political persuasion of the two individuals.
As the culture war intensifies in Australia and the Right Wing continues to express itself more freely it will be interesting to observe the Antifa response. Elon Musk’s purchase of X is allowing for the proliferation of Right Wing ideas, especially in the Art sphere. Many today are bored of the left-dominated culture and art scene and will be looking to alternatives in politics and media. As these alternatives arise, we can expect Antifa’s counter protesting to increase, as has been the case with the increasing frequency of NSN stunts with their infamous banners and increased presence on X. It will be important to note if this leads to an uptick in leftist violence and whether ANTIFA terror attacks escalate if the media will report on it and if the police will dare investigate a crime committed against the NSN. Left to fester, ANTIFA will only bolder and more virulent, it is past time Australia’s media, political class and law enforcement to recognise this threat, and abolish ANTIFA.