By this sign, Conquer!
The tepid politics of the Australian right must end. The National Observer looks to history to find a replacement [2 Minute Read]
In the year 33 AD, Jesus Christ was sentenced to death. At the behest of Jewish religious authorities, Roman soldiers crucified the Son of God. Much to the dismay of the caesars following, this had no effect on the growth of Christ’s church. Neither did the persecution, torture and execution of Christians enforced in all corners of the empire.
This persecution continued for 273 years until, upon the death of his father in the year 306 AD, 34 year old Constantine became emperor of Gaul and Britain. His first action as emperor: to grant Christians the freedom to worship their God. Christianity soon proliferated throughout Emperor Constantine's territory.
This was unacceptable to the pagan emperor Maxentius in the West who compensated for Constantines actions by increasing the ferocity of his persecution against Christians within his territory. In 311 Maxentius declared war on Constantine hoping victory would make him emperor of all rome, fortunately this was not to be.
While marching to the site at which his army would face Maxentius’ , Emperor Constantine was blinded by a bright vision of Christ’s cross and with it the words “By this sign, Conquer!”
Emperor Constantine upon seeing the vision commanded his army to paint the sign of the cross on their shields in preparation for confrontation with the enemy.
In the climactic battle at Milvian bridge, Maxentius’ army watched as an army half its size advanced towards it with the unfamiliar cross painted on its shield. Despite all odds, Constantine's army delivered a decisive victory, Emperor Maxentius was knocked into the river Tiber and drowned while his army fled.
Christ had conquered the roman empire.
But Christ’s reign was not limited by the borders of the Roman empire. Conquers, pioneers, missionaries and saints soon brought Christianity to every continent on earth - including distant Australia where it flourished for more than 200 years.
The year is now 2022. Less than 50% of Australians consider themselves Christian, sin is all-pervasive in media and education, 80,000 children are aborted every year. Our country is rotting from inside out - clearly a drastic change of course is essential if our country is to survive.
Australia’s problems are not unique, in fact they stem from a wider descent into depravity observable in almost every western nation - including America. As a result of this it has become increasingly common to hear calls by the American right for a strongman leader who, seizing the vast power accumulated by the US State, will vanquish enemies and restore order: An ‘American Caesar’.
Today the National Observer would like to put forward a similar vision. Australian Nationalists and Christians alike must remember the examples set by our God, heroes and saints if we are to navigate our way to victory.
We need an Australian Constantine.
Every Australian man should seek to be this Australian Constantine. How? Not by invading neighbouring nations or through any violence of the sort. Instead, those who wish to immitate Emperor Constantine should relentlessly pursue positions of political and social influence in order to carry out God’s will.
A perfect example of this has been the Pentecostal churches recent push to influence the Liberal party. Just this week the ABC released an article detailing the immense success of this attempt:
“Malaysian pastor Jonathan David – the founder of an international apostolic network that encourages churches to "penetrate" and "conquer" the nation around them in preparation for the second coming – came with a message.”
The perspective Pastor Jonathan David puts forward is exactly the attitude every Christian should adopt when it comes to the struggle to retake our country, we must penetrate Australia’s political instutions and reconquer our nation. I hope to see this infiltration campaign embraced by Christians of every denomination, we must all work towards a shared goal: the infiltration and control of every bastion of power accross this countries public and political relams. Only with this mindset will Australia be made to once again praise the name of Jesus Christ.
If you are an Australian who understands the dire situation our country is in, it is your duty to follow the example of Saint Constantine.
We must paint the sign of the cross on our hearts and by this sign, CONQUER!