Pro-Israel is Anti-Australia
Following the recent missile strike on an Australian civilian, there is no question about it - Israel is no friend of Australia
Written by John Lawson, find more of his content on 𝕏 @JohnLawson_TNO
This week Zomi Frankom, an Australian civilian, was killed by the Israeli government. The 43-year-old charity worker was working alongside volunteers from the UK, US and Poland to distribute meals in Gaza when she was struck by a missile rained down upon her head by the Israeli Defence Force. Independent journalist Michael West rightfully shamed Netanyahu’s smirking apology video. Recent reporting states that the cars being used by the charity workers were clearly marked, and the IDF likely had advanced knowledge of their presence.
This was not an isolated incident, Israel - a supposed friend of the West - has rained bullets and missiles down on civilians, families and churches all throughout the recent conflict with Hamas.
Yet despite this many conservatives across the Western world have mistakenly developed an affinity for the State of Israel and defend these horrendous actions. Mainstream conservative pundits have long claimed that Israel is a bastion of Western values surrounded by a sea of barbaric radical Islamists, this narrative is troublesome because it completely ignores the history of disloyalty Israel has demonstrated towards the Anglosphere. If Australia is to begin asserting her national interest once again, conservatives must examine Israel’s past and ongoing interactions with our country and understand that we owe Israel nothing.
Israel’s history of attacking the West
Before one can appreciate the extent of Israel’s disloyalty, it is essential first to know the history of Israel’s founding. Following the First World War Britain promised the organised zionist community possession of the piece of territory formally known as the ‘British mandate of Palestine’. Though the territory had religious and historical significance to Jews, it was inconveniently populated by various religiously and ethnically distinct populations and ruled by the British. So over decades Jews loyal to the vision of a Jewish homeland as described by zionist political and religious thinkers set about clearing their chosen patch of land of these encumbrances.
Nowadays, Hamas and more broadly radical Islam are words synonymous with terrorism and all the horrible images it brings to mind, but a little-known fact is that one heavily employed method by which Israel secured independence from the British was through this very style of terrorism. Two massively emblematic organisations are the Lehi and Irgun.
Irgun, a paramilitary Zionist terror organisation that originally primarily targeted Palestinian Arabs, soon shifted to attacking those upholding the British mandate regime. These bloodthirsty terrorists spared no sympathy for the British regime which had signed the Balfour Declaration promising them the land upon which they would one day build the modern state of Israel. Irgun targeted British police and government personnel such as members of immigration control and members of Lehi assassinated the British minister of state in the Middle East Baron Moyne, and Irgun kidnapped a judge. In 1947 two abducted British Sergeants were hanged. Overall somewhere near 900 British were killed by Israeli terrorists. Zionist terrorists destroyed infrastructure, stole weaponry while disguised as Arabs or British servicemen and made significant use of false flag tactics, the most famous instance undoubtedly being the 1946 Irgun-perpetrated King David Hotel bombing targeting the British Mandate headquarters which killed 91 and injured 46.
Perhaps what is most astounding about all of this history, is how perpetrators of these attacks went on to staff the modern Israeli government. Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir was elected the Prime Minister of Israel in 1983, while Irgun itself was amalgamated into the current ruling Likud Party, of which Netanyahu is presently head. Mind you this was the organisation whose one-time leader and founder of the Likud party, Menachem Begin, famously responded to an interviewer who asked the question “How does it feel, in the light of all that’s going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?” with “In the Middle East? In all the world!”
It is clear this founding struggle against the British powers, as well as against Palestinian civilians remains within the Israeli consciousness and is reflected in the brutal manner in which the current war against Hamas is being waged and extends to the disdainful treatment of Western civilian casualties.
Israel’s tampering in domestic affairs
How would Australian intelligence react to the secret kidnapping and imprisonment of an Australian citizen by a Chinese intelligence agency? How would the Prime Minister react to a Chinese intelligence agency forging Australian passports so as to carry out illegal assassinations in Dubai? As you might be able to guess, these examples are not fabricated, a real foreign nation has actually perpetrated both these examples, only it was not China but Israel who carried them out. In 2010 a high-ranking member of Hamas was executed by Mossad in a Dubai hotel room. These Mossad agents used forged Australian passports, and the international goodwill Australia’s reputation granted in order to successfully carry out this operation. On the 24th of May, the Rudd government expelled an Israeli diplomat after concluding that there was "no doubt Israel was behind the forgery of four Australian passports”.
Though denied by influential pro-Israel lobbyist Mark Leibler, both former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and former Foreign Minister & NSW Premier Bob Carr attest to the threats Leibler made to replace Rudd with Julia Gillard if Israel was not pardoned for its actions.
When Ben Zygier, an Australian-Israeli dual citizen and Mossad agent had intent to give information on this targeted assassination to Australian authorities or media, he was imprisoned without stated cause in Israel and in 2010 took his own life. For eight months Zygier was held in a prison where his identity was kept secret from even his jailers and no formal explanation was given for why he was being held in the first place.
Israeli influence in Australian politics is not always so covert, and I covered multiple means by which the interests of Israel are lobbied for within Australia in a previous article. The most notable example in recent history was when AIJAC president and lifelong zionist activist Mark Leibler used his political weight to have 6 out of 7 living current and former Australian prime ministers sign his open letter condemning Hammas’ recent attacks on Israel. This same Mark Leibler demanding chauvinistic displays of loyalty to Israel from Australia’s political leaders was a prominent proponent of the destructive and anti-Australian Voice to Parliament campaign within Australia! This has been a fixture of Israeli influence within Australia for decades, Prime Minister Paul Keating famously first declared his support of censorious and anti-free-speech ‘race vilification laws’ at Australia’s largest Zionist conference at the behest of many of those in attendance.
Taking all this domestic and international interference by Israel into account, especially in light of recent events, there should be no question - Australia must end any diplomatic, military and material support it provides to the state of Israel. Anyone who tells you otherwise, no matter if they are a self-proclaimed conservative, must be questioned and their loyalty to Australia be held in question. Australia must assert her own national interest, and members of our political, and media class who are pro-Israel must be regarded for what they truly are: anti-Australian.
Great stuff, interesting history.
Brendon O'Connell has dedicated his life to exposing Israel -
Jailed for 3 years for 'Racial vilification' against jews in WA, bashed in jail, fled Australia with 3 warrants for his arrest. Lived in Malaysia, visited Iran, Lebanon, now living in Mexico.
Also submitted a 1,000+ page UNHCR document -