The 4 paths to CONSERVATIVE VICTORY in 2022
4 easy ways to save Australia [4 Minute Read]
There is no question: Australian conservatives are losing - and loosing badly. Even to those disinterested in politics, the cultural changes which have swept through our nation at an alarming pace would have been impossible to ignore. One example indicative of the rate at which Australia has abandoned its cultural conservatism was the same sex marriage debate. As recently as 1997 homosexuality was illegal in Tasmania, in 2017 - only 20 years later same sex marriage was legalised nationwide. If you need further examples of this trend simply take a look at how rapidly abortion restrictions were dismantled, Christian affiliation has declined and our demography has shifted.
All this without one meaningful right wing victory to speak of.
Now, we could let these trends distress and dishearten us, give up the political fight and surrender our nation - but that's no fun.
Instead I challenge each and every conservative reading this article to rise to the challenge. Earlier this year the National Observer outlined 4 key goals conservatives should focus on achieving in 2022 - If you need a refresher you can read it right here. This article you are reading right now will give practical methods by which those goals can be achieved.
Now all that remains is for you to choose which of the four methods listed below you will attempt. Good luck!
Strategy 1: Join One Nation
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party remains one of the few right wing minor parties that has stood the test of time. It is also one of the few parties which continues to advocate for immigration restriction, Christian morality and more recently, the freedom movement. This combination of factors makes One Nation the ideal party to join to advocate for right wing solutions to Australia’s problems.
As conservatives I believe one of our long term goals should be to transform One Nation into the right wing equivalent of The Greens, though we can't expect it to ever become a major party, One Nation can leverage its power to pull the the rest of Australia’s politics rightward.
If joining One Nation sounds interesting to you, you should first make some practical considerations. Namely, do prior election results in your electorate give any indication the party has a chance at winning? With few exceptions, this would be a no for Australia’s living in major cities. If your local One Nation branch is electorally weak I would not recommend dedicating your time and energy fruitlessly to this party, instead check out one of the other 3 options below.
If, however, past elections have shown the party is growing or competitive in your electorate, I would strongly encourage you to become a member and work your way up the ranks.
One of the common concerns repeated by One Nation members is the lack of organisation during election cycles, repairing this deficiency in your local branch should be one of your biggest goals as a member of the party.
Strategy 2: Join the Shooters Fishers Farmers or other minor parties
If you live in an electorate held by the National party, or an electorate held by the Shooter Fishers Farmers (SFF), I strongly encourage you to become a member of the Shooter Fishers Farmers party. This party presents a serious and growing alternative to the National Party for rural voters and it is essential real Australian conservatives join the party during its formative years. I believe the SFF party will experience the most consistent growth out of any minor party in elections to come thanks to the relentless corruption and cowardice of the National party.
Alternatively, if by chance you live in one of the very few electorates held by a right wing minor party such as Katter’s Australia party, The Liberal Democrats or the United Australia Party you should join that party.
With the exception of the SFF, emphasis when joining one of these minor partys should not be placed upon growth. Instead focus must be placed on creating a good name for the party through effective governance and intelligent campaigning. Readers of the National Observer joining any of these parties should also bear in mind these parties vary wildly in their adherence to Christian-conservative values so your goal as your rise through the ranks must be to shift the party towards Christian-conservative thought.
Strategy 3: Join the Liberal party
I know this one is going to annoy many readers, considering the liberal party has not only ignored conservatives for decades but has actively expelled them from the party but hear me out.
The overwhelming majority of Australians live in an electorate that is either held by the Labor or Liberal party, of the two, the Liberal party’s voter base is far more disposed to conservatism and a significant percent of the party’s leadership remains Christian. These factors and many more makes the Liberal party, of the two major partys, the best suited to conservative transformation.
In 2016 polling indicated 42% of Australians wanted immigration reduced, by 2017 this number had risen to 54% and by 2018 this number sat at 64%. The Liberal party is best poised to take advantage of this growing dissatisfaction as the party that has campaigned on ‘strong borders’ for years.
If conservatives become members of their local Liberal party branch and begin participating in preselection voting, it would be very possible to push the party in a right wing direction by supporting right wing candidates. It is important to note that liberal party membership is declining with time, which would give real conservatives greater leverage in this preselection voting as time goes on.
I believe that once voters get a taste of what a truly conservative liberal party looks and sounds like, the broader party will have no choice but to follow. Any success in shifting the liberal party machine rightward would send shockwaves across Australian politics the likes of which a minor party could never dream of creating.
So, if you live in an electorate without a strong right wing minor party presence, I encourage you to become a member of the liberal party. You will need to be intelligent in your rhetoric if you wish to rise through the ranks and patient enough to make incremental progress. Nontheless with some prudence and patience I believe the liberal party can be transformed into the Christian-conservative party its voters wish it was.
Strategy 4: Content creation
There is a drought of Australian media expressing a truly right wing or conservative point of view, whether this be in written or video form. Australians are overwhelmingly exposed to left wing or phony-conservative viewpoints through the content they consume on social media, radio and tv. It was partly in response to this vacuum of authenticity that I decided to resurrect the National Observer, but there is plenty more work to be done! First, if you are not already, make sure you subscribe to the National Observer to receive all our articles straight to your inbox.
Further, make sure you support other authentic conservative content creators, namely Josh S Howes, host of Australia First on youtube who is presenting a truly right wing vision for the country completely absent from the mainstream discourse.
Finally, start making your own content! There is plenty of room for new youtubers, writers and livestreamers, if you have an interest in any of these areas you should definitely pursue it.
You should either join an existing right wing project or create your own!
If you have made it to this point in the article most likely you are interested in the prospect of serious and intelligent right wing reform. If this is the case the next thing to do is to research which of the above options best suits your situation and begin working at it. So what are you waiting for? Get started!