Australian conservative FUNDAMENTALS
Have you ever wondered what Australian conservatives believe? Why they believe it? If you yourself are a conservative? If so, this is the article for you. [3 minute read]
Have you ever wondered what Australian conservatives believe? Why they believe it? If you yourself are a conservative? If so you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, the real Australian conservatives of the National Observer have outlined the building blocks of Australian, right wing, conservative thought in the simplest terms possible.
So, if you are curious, this is the perfect jumping on point to learn about this resurgent ideology which very well could define the future of Australian politics.
The foundation stone: Objective OrderÂ
The fundamental divide between the ideological right and left wing of politics is a belief, or disbelief in objective order. The right believes in objective order - that good and evil are real and unchanging while the left rejects this premise.
But how do we determine what is good and evil? Some conservatives might point to a ‘natural law’, the idea that good and evil can be discovered through observation of the world, nontheless, historically Australia has been a Christian nation which believed the ultimate arbiter of Good and Evil to be the Christian God.
As this foundation stone of Christian teachings has fallen out of vogue, holding a truly conservative worldview has become less and less common.Â
Block A: Human Nature
While the idea that human beings can ‘progress’ towards a utopian ideal has become all but unquestioned in the western world, a conservative knows that without divine intervention man cannot be perfected.Â
Nonetheless, society can be constructed in such a way as to either incentivise positive or negative elements of human nature - although we will never be able to entirely stamp out elements of the human condition such as poverty, greed, violence etc, a conservative wishes to construct a society where that which is good and beneficial for Australia is incentivised while the opposite is discouraged.
Despite all the lies of the media and academia male and female are not equal - not as a result of subjugation, but human nature - hence the difference between their respective behaviour, thinking and interests. Further, despite the attempt to undermine it, a real conservative will understand that the fundamental building block of our country is the family - comprised of a father, mother and children. Feminism, which perceives history as conflict between male and female, has played a large part in undermining these simple facts.
These inherent, unchanging differences entirely rules out transgender theory as credible - a human can not exchange their gender for the opposite, it is imbued in every cell of their body.
Demographics and Immigration
As much as we detest it, as much as we may deny it, no matter how much we may wish it away - division is imbued in human nature. Even the smallest cultural or religious disagreement can lead to huge divisions among a population. Australia has in a very short period of time become one of the most multicultural countries history has ever seen, this most likely is not a good thing. I would challenge the reader to find an example of a nation where many disparate peoples with numerous disagreements living in very close proximity produced a constructive outcome. In fact - I would challenge the reader to find an example where such a scenario did not conclude with very ugly ruptures throughout the society at the very least. From this conclusion, a conservative will draw an anti-immigration stance
We already have a whole article on this topic, feel free to check it out.
The anti abortion stance is very self-explanatory, because conservatives believe in an unchanging morality - to kill an innocent individual is murder in all instances including within the womb.Â
We also have an article on this topic, check it out
Block B - Heirachy
Inequality cannot be eliminated, and even if it could we shouldn’t want to. This will be very jarring to read for many in the modern world who have been told that the scales of life are perfectly balanced - but to those who have experienced the world, this will sound obvious. In a world of limited resources, nothing can be completely even, and as such nothing can be completely equal. In many ways this is good news, as it means a hierarchy naturally forms in almost every instance - this is good news as in any scenario what is good, beneficial or profitable will rise to the top of a hierarchy and can easily be distinguished from the negative and unprofitable, but abundant, bottom of the hierarchy.Â
Because hierarchy is inevitable, we must answer the questions: ‘who should sit atop the hierarchy?’ and ‘where does Australia itself sit in the world hierarchy?’ A monarchist would believe that owing to our British heritage, and the inadequacy of the average person’s rational ability, Australia should remain a monarchy where the monarch of England remains, at least symbolically, head of Australia. Alternatively, an Australian republican would understand that Australia is not entirely sovereign as long as our head of state is that of another nation, and resultantly, believes the the pinnacle of the Australian hierarchy should be the Australian head of state. Ultimately both derive from an understanding of the necessity of heirachy.
Merit-based Economics
Much like in every other element of the world, hierarchy is pivotal to economics. In an ideal market, individuals who are the most skilled and knowledgeable will rise to the top of their given industry while those who contribute the least will remain at the base of said hierarchy - In this way, commercial excellence is incentivized to the benefit of the whole nation.
National Observer hopes you learnt from this extremely condensed explanation of conservative thought in Australia. If you found it interesting I encourage you to read more into any of the above topics and to subscribe to the National Observer so you don’t miss our future articles.