The high intellect in this conversation, refreshing! Thank you.

‘Multiculturalism is a party, as long as there is enough to go around… enough food, enough water, enough petrol, enough housing, enough jobs, enough comforts, enough what ever you want to call it. Smart phones, cars, as long as everyone is doing well, it’s all a party as long as everyone’s got enough to go around’.

- @Chriscoveries

That is a perfect summation of the fragile Tower of Babel of every bloody major city in Australia and the west.

This fragility was shattered during the China virus and I think we all know it will explode at some point. It’s just the trigger and timing that remains unknown.

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There is no social cohesion anymore as there is low social trust, no sense of community. Fragmentation was the goal of the powers that be and alienation from one's people and nation.

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True, no Western nation could be allowed to remain strong and cohesive following WW2 they said

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The fault lays in the system's pushing multiculturalism which is failing in every Western Country. This case of the stabbing of Bishop Mari, shows the true face of the racial character of both the Muslim attacker and the Christian rioters, Arabs have poor impulse control they resort to violence.

Being Christian doesn't make one a European nor Western!! Wake up Australia. WOKENESS is the death of civilization.

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Christianity is vital to Australia's past, present and future - however the very real dangers of multiculturalism cannot be ignored

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Yes, understood that Christianity is ingrained in Western Civilisation for 1500 years. However, as a racial nationalist, race is above everything in my world view. Unfortunately, Christianity has morphed in being anti-white pushing Multi racialism and other lefty ideas,it is universalist in its message.

All these Aussie guys who marry Filipinos argue that these "women" are westernized because they are Catholic, being a "christian" does not turn one into a European.

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