In all western countries, the working class do not buy the propaganda of Multi-culturalism and experience the effects of it directly, their suburbs changing demographically and the standard of living ever declining. An increase of crime and low trust society.
The riots in England are an emotional response from a disenfranchised majority. It is not an organized political(right Wing)direct action.
The people realise that the System is lying to them and doesn't really put British interests ahead of Globalist ones. Racial realities are totally ignored and multi-racialism can only be enforced by oppression through a police state that only favors non whites. There is no need for immigration to Britain or Europe for that matter. Re-Immigration is an idea that needs to be implemented.
Politicians should fear the People!! Dr. Salter is truly one the few who can explain what is happening.
Democracy is the illusions of choice, it has never been so true. Replace the creators of a nation and it will fall apart.
In all western countries, the working class do not buy the propaganda of Multi-culturalism and experience the effects of it directly, their suburbs changing demographically and the standard of living ever declining. An increase of crime and low trust society.
The riots in England are an emotional response from a disenfranchised majority. It is not an organized political(right Wing)direct action.
The people realise that the System is lying to them and doesn't really put British interests ahead of Globalist ones. Racial realities are totally ignored and multi-racialism can only be enforced by oppression through a police state that only favors non whites. There is no need for immigration to Britain or Europe for that matter. Re-Immigration is an idea that needs to be implemented.
Politicians should fear the People!! Dr. Salter is truly one the few who can explain what is happening.