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Great talk, and a subject I am very much interested in. The skill set is important, and one that has been neglected for many... I see that the way forward for any party that want to approach the electorate to build on the current void and discontent is to provide these skills in campaigning and market to the candidates.

A central mechanism that coordinates and builds the campaign as a service fr the candidates. the economies of scale come into play here as well... Instead of each candidate learning or finding volunteers with those skills and the same political leanings and deep knowledge for individual electorates is the challenge for many individuals. Having subject matter experts to deal with policy, media, fundraising, storytelling and bringing across paradigms from the business and marketing spheres into the political campaigning process is essential to success.

I have been beavering away in this space and this mindset for a while now, watching multiple elections come and go, and seeing my country going backwards, almost slipping out of reach to be saved.

As the first part of this talk demonstrates, the 'Eye of Sauron' turning in your direction and sniping out individuals is my biggest concern. We know journalists are ego driven, looking to find someone's life to destroy and laugh about over Friday night beers with their cronies. We know the big parties have slobbering minions in basements building dirt files on whomever. That to me is the biggest stumbling block, how to get beyond that dysfunction and be able to build a critical mass, or garner the resources to fight back, or defend in the pubic or legal space.

I don't need people hassling my children, or following me as I go on my daily walk, accessing confidential information or such. I have some ideas on these matters, but if any experts can help me to clarify what can be done to be anonymous in my efforts, I am all ears.

I have other ideas on campaigning to share, because to me, the future of this country is almost becoming what I could see is my life's work. There is nothing more important that to try to do something when I see that something needs to be done.

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