Very interesting discussion. Whatever you may think of libertarianism (the good ones seem to have all gone NRx it Alt-Right some years ago) it's good to see that there are people out there thinking about ideas.

Also, very engaging start to the podcast with the extensive quote - that was a really good synthesis of possibilities. Keep up the great work!

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Switzerland has quite onerous rules imposed on its population. Not sure if this comes from density and local voting preferences.

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Libertarians have historically sided with business and ‘free enterprise’ over the collective will of Australian workers.

What does that mean for real Australian nationalists?

We need look no further than our current immigration policies, which are driven - entirely - by business lobbyists. If we ally ourselves with these corporate cucks, we’ll soon be accepting a million or more jeets per year, as long as they subscribe to ‘hard work and small government’ ethos.

Screw that. We need to support our own ethnic interests. Adherence to foreign (American) values because they’re somehow ‘right wing’ is retarded and self-defeating.

Thinking left/right is a trap, set by the same people who fear our genuine national revolutionary aspiration. As Alain de Benoist said;

‘Left, Right. That’s over.’

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