great interview!

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A United Europe that controls its borders and destiny and have an understanding with Russia that would exclude and rival the Zio-American Empire would be the best situation. Dismantling NATO is necessary as its an arm of American hegemony!

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Germany is a puppet state created by American hegemony, Zio-American NATO will not allow an independent Germany Nation state. I hope that AfD can keep on fighting and regain German rule over Germany and also work towards an independent Europe. A Europe of Fatherlands is the goal.

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The vision of what Australia could be is what is lacking. The opportunity is there to both articulate a broad vision, and to invite contribution to refining that future. The current politicians only have a very select set of words and phrases to try to show their version of the future, and it is never visionary, and they all lack that transformative leadership to push forward with such an approach anyway.

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